
Title Description Link
Help Ukraine in the war with Russia [UK, PL, DE, SK, CZ, FR] We are grateful to everyone who is with us today, even if they are far away!
Humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine On this website one can find out how to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. Ukrainian businessmen have opened a warehouse to which you can send any cargo that will help people.
Humanitarian Nova Poshta (global warehouses) [US, PL,UK, DE, FR, RO, TR] Nova Poshta Global has launched "Humanitarian Nova Poshta" project to deliver humanitarian aid to charitable organizations and volunteer fighters (TerOborona) in Ukraine.
To send aid to Ukraine, you need to post or bring your parcel to one of our global warehouses. Please send your parcels to one of the addresses below with the noteĀ "Ukraine Humanitarian aid Nova Poshta"
Nova Poshta delivering goods to volunteers and territorial defenses free of charge on Ukrainian territory.
UA AID Centers [DE, PL, NL, CH, PT, AT, NO, CZ, BG, SE, ES, IT, TR, FR, GR, UK, RO, MD] UA AID Center is an informational portal, where all the aid collection centers are being listed.
The Razom initiative group [Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany), the USA and Turkey] Coordination platform for transportation of humanitarian goods to Ukraine